Philadelphia Parks & Recreation Announces COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement
The virtual run is open to all runners registered for the October 10 road race
PHILADELPHIA: Today Philadelphia Parks & Recreation announced that proof of full COVID-19 vaccination is required for in-person participation in the 2021 Blue Cross Broad Street Run. The vaccination requirement is based on guidance from the Philadelphia Department of Public Health. All registered runners have the option to participate in the 2021 virtual run.
The Blue Cross Broad Street Run, Philadelphia’s premier 10-mile race, will take place on Sunday, October 10, 2021. Due to the recent rise in COVID-19 cases, this year’s race will require proof of vaccination for all in-person runners and volunteers to ensure athletes’ safety and promote public health.
All registered participants who want to run in-person need to have their COVID-19 vaccination series completed by Sunday, September 26, 2021. Proof of vaccination will need to be provided to run organizers by Friday, October 8, 2021. Race organizers will email all registered runners in the coming weeks with a step-by-step process to simply upload vaccination records through a secure online registration system.
“The Blue Cross Broad Street Run is an annual opportunity for Philadelphians to celebrate the health and vitality of our community,” said Kathryn Ott Lovell, Commissioner Philadelphia Parks & Recreation. “Getting vaccinated against COVID-19 is the single most important thing any of us can do this year to keep runners and our community safe.”
Other new COVID-19 safety measures in place to keep runners and participants safe this fall will include:
The October 8th and 9th Blue Cross Broad Street Run Expo is limited to registered runners only.
Spectators will not be permitted at the start of the race or the finish line.
Spectators are strongly discouraged from attending the race in person, but they can watch live on NBC10.
Activities along the race route (such as cheer zones) will be suspended.
Race organizers will remain in close contact with the Philadelphia Department of Public Health to ensure all appropriate health protocols are in place on race day. Organizers will also continue to monitor health conditions as we approach the race day.
Over the last 40 years the Blue Cross Broad Street Run has become the largest 10 miler in the country, the largest municipal-led race, and the nation’s sixth largest road race. Like many races across the country, last year’s Blue Cross Broad Street Run was held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The race will be broadcast live in its entirety on Sunday, October 10, from 7:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. on NBC10 and Telemundo62, and streamed live on the stations’ digital platforms.
The Blue Cross Broad Street Run began in 1980 with 1,500 runners racing the 10 miles from Broad Street and Somerville Avenue to the old JFK Stadium. The route now ends at the Navy Yard. The 2022 race will return to its traditional date, the first Sunday of May.
Independence Blue Cross hosts a very active Blue Cross Broad Street Run Facebook page at and a popular Twitter account at @IBXRun10. Race updates are posted regularly, and runners can connect with one another, exchange training tips, and share stories.
(Updated: 09/20/21)
Due to the recent rise in COVID-19 cases, this year’s race will require proof of vaccination for all in-person runners and volunteers to ensure athletes’ safety and promote public health.
To run in-person, registered participants must have their COVID-19 vaccination series completed by Sunday, September 26, 2021. Proof of vaccination must be provided to run organizers by Friday, October 8, 2021.
All in-person runners and volunteers are required to complete a short health screening questionnaire and upload their vaccination card using CrowdPass. Please click the button below to proceed. Please use your email account to create an account, complete the health screening form, and upload your vaccination card.
Any registerested runners who do not provide proof of vaccination to run organizers are able to participate in the virtual run.
We appreciate your cooperation. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
We look forward to joining you for a safe and successful 2021 race!